January 1, 2019

365 Days of the Great Names of God, Day 32: Faithful and True

Faithful and True

"I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war." 
(Revelation 19:11 NIV)

Happy 2019, sweet friends! I alluded to this name of God a couple of days ago but wanted to feature it today as we stand at the starting line of a brand new year. 

This image of the rider on the white horse whose name is Faithful and True is so striking and substantive. Jesus' faithfulness and truthfulness offer steady reassurance in a world often filled with disloyalty and dishonesty. And this name challenges me to examine my own mind, heart, and actions. Am I faithful? Am I true? These are some questions I need to ask myself, because I don't just want to learn the names of God, I want to live them.

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I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to tell me what you really think. Years ago, I explained to my then-two-year-old that my appointment with a counselor was "sort of like going to a doctor who will help me be a better mommy." Without blinking, she replied, "You'd better go every day." All of which is just to say I've spent some time in the school of brutal honesty!