"Didn't go so hot."
She was checking in with me about the Psych 101 quiz she'd just taken. The one she'd nervously asked me to pray about when she left for school that morning.
I responded to her message by assuring her of my love and telling her it would be okay and encouraging her to just do the next thing she needed to do, the best that she could.
And then I ordered her a jacket she'd been looking at online. Because, retail therapy. (Also, because she needed one.)
When kids are hurting, moms want to make it better. So we pray...and pray some more. We worry...and worry some more. But there are also things we say--things that aren't new or groundbreaking but that are timeless classics for one reason: they work.
If someone who calls you "mom" is having a bad day, here are some go-to phrases you might want to have in your maternal arsenal. Don't let their simplicity undermine their power. I've said these things over and over, and often, not long after I've said them, my daughters have told me, "I always feel better after I talk to you." Which is pretty much the highest mom compliment I ever hope to get.
1. I love you.
2. I'm praying for you.
3. Take a deep breath.
4. I'm already proud of you.
5. This is not your whole story.
6. Do you want to talk about it?
7. I'm here for you.
8. Just take the next step.
9. It will be okay.
10. I know you'll be able to figure this out.
11. Is there anything I can do to help?
12. I really, really love you.
13. How about some ice cream?
What would you add to this list, mama?
Leave your wisdom here in a comment or over on Facebook.
While I wait for it, I'm going to round up some ice cream.
P.S. After I originally wrote and published this post, I added a few "things," necessity being the mother of invention and motherhood often necessitating invention and all that. Pin away...because mama said there'd be days like this.
**This post may have been shared at some of these blog link parties.**