
March 7, 2016

Makeover Monday: A Guest Post By Someone Who Needed One (Namely, Me)

One of the happiest things to happen to me in recent memory was meeting Jennifer of Chaos2Peace. I was reading a post by another blogger (one of my favorites...Michelle of Grammie Time) and was redirected to Jennifer's site. 

Honestly, I almost didn't go. 

I know as bloggers and blog readers, it can be a pain to hop from site to site in search of the rest of a post when you've got a hundred other things you could or should be doing. But I took the trip, and thank goodness I did. 

I not only had the joy of reading the rest of Michelle's piece, I also found Jennifer's lovely blog. I started following her on the spot, and she became one of my blogging encouragers: helping me along, gently sharing some wisdom, graciously inviting her friends to like my Facebook page, and offering me the chance to be a guest on her Makeover Monday series.

Now, dearly treasured reader, I'm asking you to do what I did that day: click over to Chaos2Peace. You'll love Jennifer's blog. And while you're there, if you've got time, you can read about the makeover God's been giving me in one particular area of my life that needed some sprucing up...

Thanks for being here. Thanks for going there. You're the best.


  1. This made my morning!! I'm so happy you found each other. Jennifer is an encourager, especially to fellow bloggers. I know about the skipping around, sometimes though it is necessary, especially when writing for others so I'm happily going to skip over to read the rest of your post. Thank you so very much for mentioning me.

    1. Oh, but thank YOU, Michelle...knowing both you and Jennifer is a double blogging-blessing to me! :) And thanks for taking the trip over to Makeover Monday! ;)

  2. Heading on over! Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you so much, Michele! I dearly hope it will be worth the trip! ;)

  3. Thanks so much for sharing your post on Chaos2Peace. Thanks even more for sharing your heart! I've loved hearing about this journey of yours. Finding your blog has been such a blessing to me. Happy Monday!

    1. Aw, thank YOU, Jennifer! What a gift you are to me. I bless the day God led me to you and your sweet site. Onya! :)

  4. I took your advice and hopped over! Looks like a great site and I'm looking forward to reading more. Thanks for linking up at Mondays @ Soul Survival. Hope to see you again next week! Blessings!

    1. Thank you so much, Donna! And thank you for so graciously hosting Mondays @ Soul Survival! :)

  5. I just finished reading your post over on Jennifer's post. The sentence "Worship is not something I can choose to do only when I feel like it." really jumped out at me. I struggle with this. If I'm upset, angry, etc. I hold back from worship. And reading your post just reminded me that it's probably those times that I should be doing it the most! ~Tishia

    1. Thank you so much, Tishia. Wow, you really nailed the point that is toughest for me, too. I act out of my feelings and am not good at "faking it." And I recoil at the idea of having to "fake it" before the God of grace and mercy. But as one of my favorite Bible teachers, Beth Moore, says, "Sometimes you praise first and feel it later." Sometimes, I have to DO the thing before I feel the thing. This is when I cling to the beauty of a "sacrifice of praise," which is so treasured by God. When I least feel like worshipping, perhaps that is when my sacrifice of praise is most valuable. Thank you for taking time to read and to leave your honest response, Tishia. :)

  6. I went "there"... and was glad I did Elizabeth!

    This is beautiful and so true! If we let our personal "feelings" overpower our call to worship (and this can easily happen with church politics, etc...)... Then we have given the other side a foothold! Great encouragement here! Thank you for sharing this on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth!

    1. Thank you so, so much, JES. I'm honored and grateful that you found it to be worth the trip. ;) And you are so right: I cannot only act based on what I feel. In fact, I can RARELY act based on what I feel! Thank you for stopping by and for hosting The Art of Home-Making Mondays!

  7. I loved it, Elizabeth. Thank you for sharing with Thankful Thursdays.

    1. Aw, thank you, Lori! And thank you for making the trip over to Chaos2Peace and for your sweet comment there. Oh, and thank you for hosting Thankful Thursdays so graciously, too! :)

  8. Don't you love Jennifer! She's a personal friend and an amazing person to know!
    Can't wait to read the rest of your post on her site.
    Found your post today on FaithnFriends.
    Hope you have a blessed weekend~

    1. Yes, I surely do love her, Melanie! I know you are blessed to know her, because I have been blessed in the same way since I found her! Thank you for stopping by my little site from Faith 'n' Friends...hope you have a lovely weekend, too!

  9. Great words of encouragement that you shared on Jennifer's blog. Thanks for reminding us of that most important commandment to Love God first with all our heart and soul and mind so that we can worship Him with all our being, all our lives and be intentional about it.

    1. Thank YOU for this reminder, Dawn! "Intentional." That's it, isn't it? I can't just go with my default setting. So thankful God takes me beyond my default. ;) Thank you for taking time to stop by here and to go there. Blessings back to you. <3

  10. Can't wait to read the rest, Elizabeth.

    1. Thank you, Marva! Thank you for taking time to stop by here and then go there.:) Blessings back to you!

  11. I don’t waste my free time that’s why I read the informative things when I got this blog I really enjoyed reading this.outreaching bloggers service

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to tell me what you really think. Years ago, I explained to my then-two-year-old that my appointment with a counselor was "sort of like going to a doctor who will help me be a better mommy." Without blinking, she replied, "You'd better go every day." All of which is just to say I've spent some time in the school of brutal honesty!