
May 10, 2019

365 Days of the Names of God, Day 161: His Name Is To Be Worshiped

His Name Is To Be Worshiped

"Give to the LORD, the glory due to his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness." (Psalm 29:2 WBT)

For all of the part of my life that I can r
emember, I’ve been singing.

I sang in a community children’s chorus in junior high, in every choral group my high school had, and in two college choirs.

But all my life, most of my singing has been done in the sanctuary. In church. In worship.

I sang in church choirs and in the congregation and for “Ministry in Music.”

When my husband and I were newlyweds, the pastor of our small country church asked if we would lead worship on a rotating basis. We said yes with no small amount of fear and trepidation…and led several times a year for a month at a time for the better part of 20 years.

Then our church hired a minister of youth and worship. We were dismissed as volunteer worship leaders and were instead invited to be members of a newly formed worship team. We had input, but not oversight. We were participants, but we were not in charge.

And frankly, I was mad. I was angry at being released without being asked if that was what we wanted. I was hurt that we were not even thanked for our service. I was bitter about the new order of things. (I'm not saying I was right in any of this, only that this is how I was.)

So I withdrew. I withheld my voice and my heart. I stewed and simmered and generally cooked up an internal turmoil that served no one except myself.

Eventually, God began to deal with me. Gently, firmly, wisely.

“Elizabeth,” I sensed Him saying to my mind and heart. “Will you worship Me no matter what? Will you give my name the glory it deserves, no matter what?”

Will I worship God—Abba, Yahweh, I AM—no matter what? Will I, as many versions of Psalm 29:2 put it, "ascribe" to God—give Him credit for, recognize Him for—the fame and attention His name is owed?

Now we are again in transition with worship at our little country church. Our minister of youth and worship went to a nearby church in need of a senior pastor. Our church has its own new senior pastor. I'm part of a team that works together to facilitate worship for our particular branch of the body of Christ from week to week.

God has shown and continues to show me what the worship of His name is...and what it isn't.

Worship is not dependent on staff, circumstances, or setting.

Worship is not just about singing.

Worship is not something I can choose to do only when I feel like it.

Worship is not about me or what I like or whether or not I feel pleased and satisfied.

Worship is about Who God is and how He wants me to respond to Who He is.

Worship is about reminding myself that He is God…and I am not. (A very good thing indeed.)

Worship is a sacrifice I make to God in humility and out of gratitude for what He has done for me.

Worship is a choice.

Worship is deliberately entering into the presence of God and being awed by Who I find there.

Worship is what I am created to do, and it is for the pleasure of my Creator.

Oh God, Your name is to be worshiped. Help me to make it known.

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I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to tell me what you really think. Years ago, I explained to my then-two-year-old that my appointment with a counselor was "sort of like going to a doctor who will help me be a better mommy." Without blinking, she replied, "You'd better go every day." All of which is just to say I've spent some time in the school of brutal honesty!