
May 8, 2019

365 Days of the Great Names of God, Day 159: His Name Is Good

His Name Is Good

"For what you have done I will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people. And I will hope in your name, for your name is good." (Psalm 52:9 NIV)

I once read this quote in an article about getting to a place of being okay with not being okay: "Most people aren’t comfortable with a perceived problem until they feel like it’s close to being solved" (Akilah S. Richards).

I know that quote may sound harsh. And of course,
"most people" can be a dangerous generalization. You may well be thinking, "That's not how I am!" But I do think there's a core of truth to this. I know I've asked friends and people at church and family members how they're doing and listened to their struggles and wanted them to get to the "but"—as in, "Well, I'm having a hard time with this, but I'm doing better" or, "I'm really battling this, but I think I'm about to turn the corner...."

Of course God does not want us to stay mired in despair, desolation, grief, and woe. He wants to set our feet "in a spacious place" (Psalm 31:8).

Yet the reality of life in a world in between what was and what will be is that there are problems that don't get solved this side of eternity. There are hurts that don't get healed until we are face-to-face with the Healer. There are losses we keep feeling every day because of the enormity of our love for what or whom we've lost.

Missionary Amy Carmichael said, "My feelings do not affect God's facts." I would also submit that my problems do not affect God's position. He is where He has always been: reigning on high on His throne and also dwelling in the hearts of His people and in the thick of every high and low of their lives. I believe He calls us to be His presence in those thick places, too.

Maybe when we know someone who's in something that is not changing, not getting better, not shifting—maybe we just pray like crazy and remain in that place with them, held there by the belief that no matter what, God's name is good. If it is not good in bad places, then it is conditional and shifting...and we know it is neither of those things.

God's name is good even when the night doesn't turn into morning.
It is good even when the sickness isn't healed.
It is good even when the broken relationship doesn't get mended.

In all this, God is still who His name says He is. He is still the Morning Star and the Healer and the Mender. 

Oh God, Your name is good. Help me make it known.

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I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to tell me what you really think. Years ago, I explained to my then-two-year-old that my appointment with a counselor was "sort of like going to a doctor who will help me be a better mommy." Without blinking, she replied, "You'd better go every day." All of which is just to say I've spent some time in the school of brutal honesty!