
February 2, 2017

10 Mom Things I've Said A Lot More Than 10 Times

"Elizabeth. When someone pays you a compliment, they are not looking for a discussion. Just say, 'Thank you.'"

This bit of wisdom is one of many things my wonderful mom said to me more than a few times when I was growing up.

Moms say the same things over and over for two reasons: 

1. Those things are true. 
2. We are too tired to come up with new material all the time. 

Which got me to thinking about the mom standbys I've been known to say with some, er, frequency.

1. Well, it's got to be somewhere. I feel like I've spent the last 17 years looking for lost stuff. At least once a day, I tell my girls that whatever they can't find "has got to be somewhere." Because it has. Now in the case of, say, my high schooler's lost cell phone, we still haven't figured out where "somewhere" is, but the phone IS somewhere. It might be a trash heap or it might be smashed in a parking lot or it might be in some mystery spot in her room we haven't though to check, but it IS somewhere. Whatever is lost IS still in existence somewhere. It didn't vaporize, for crying out loud. And I don't mean to brag, but no one in this house is better at figuring out where somewhere is than me. My daughters don't call me "Sleuth Mommy" for nothing. Most recent Sleuth Mommy score: my daughter's lost purity ring. Which was somewhere, as it turned out. Namely, under her dresser. All of which is to say that I'll have to take issue with Tim Hawkins as seen in this video clip. Tim, I love you, but don't call me Captain Obvious. Call me Sleuth Mommy.

2. It will be okay. It will. I have two teenagers, and they're both hormone-ridden girls, so I employ this phrase A LOT. And it's true. Whatever "it" is, it will usually be okay. Someday. Probably soon. In heaven if not before. It's the stuff that might not be okay until heaven that's tough to stomach.

3. Just do your best. And by "best," I mean best under a given set of circumstances, on a given day. Under other circumstances on another day, best might look better than it does right now. But just do it. That's all I ask.

4. Do you need a snack? Once I figured out I was going to have girls and only girls, I started talking to moms of boys and asking if I could rent their teenage sons to feed. Because I love to bake and feed people, and teenage boys are notorious for wanting to eat. Once my girls got older, though, I retracted my offer because as it turns out, my teen girls eat plenty, thank you very much. Which THRILLS me. But their healthy appetites do mean I spend a lot of time coming up with snacks-of-redeeming-nutritional-value that can be eaten on the run, in the car, en route to dance, before a track meet, etc. And in case you're wondering, the answer to "do you need a snack?" is almost always "yes" (insert tones of semi-starvation).

5. Are you listening to me? By which I do not mean, "Are the sounds coming out of my mouth being received by your auditory senses?" By which I do mean, "Are you paying attention to what I am telling you and, more to the point, do you have any intention of actually acting on what I'm saying?"

6. Did you put it in the laundry? Usually said in response to "is such-and-such clean???!!!" shouted from the top of the stairs at 6:08 a.m. on a school morning. Usually a Monday morning.

7. Be careful and pay attention. I have a teenage driver. I say this frequently. And then I pray. 

8. I'm so proud of you. Not just of what my girls have done, but of the effort they've put into the doing. And not just of who my girls are but of who they are becoming.

9. Don't forget to ___________. Brush your teeth. Find out what time the birthday party starts. Turn in your permission slip. Take your vitamin. Look in the bottom of your locker for that missing library book. Give me the shirt you want washed (see #6). Text your mother when you get there. 
Et al. Ad infinitum.

10. I love you. The end. And the beginning. And lots of points in between.

I'll leave it to the brilliant Anita Renfroe to cover all the rest of the things moms say on a daily basis...and she'll do it in 3 minutes and 24 seconds flat. Watch this video, then leave a comment or hop over to Facebook, and let me know what mom thing you've said more than a few times (even if it's something you'd be perfectly happy never to have to say again).

**This post may have been shared at some of these blog bashes.**


  1. I love this Elizabeth! When I chose the name for my blog I had no idea it would be so relatable! I feel so blessed to have inspired you to write such a beautiful post and am even more blessed to have found you as a new friend. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. ❤

    1. Aw, thank you so much, Kristen! I'm so thankful to have found you and your sweet site. May God continue to bless you in your blogging and in your mommying! ;)

  2. Oh heavens yes. I've often said that I could be replaced with a tape recorder of specific messages, because that's all I ever say. Shoes are the worst. Where are your shoes? Hang up your shoes! Put away your shoes!

    1. Isn't that the TRUTH, Jamie! It could be like an app for your phone: "please cue up Mom Saying #26." And, oh mama, do I feel you on those shoes. For. Crying. Out. Loud. How hard is it to grasp that shoes go in certain places! Put them in those places! Please!!!!!!!!! Okay. Am done venting. Thanks for sharing. ;)

  3. I love this post, as it truly does speak volumes! I say many of these over and over throughout each and every day!
    I also blogged about 10 things this Tuesday
    please head on over for a visit! :)

    1. Thanks, Sheridan! I think that where parenting is concerned, there is nothing new under the sun (that hasn't been said by generations of parents before us)! ;) Thanks for stopping by...I'm LOVING your "10" list right now! :)

  4. How about when they come to you because they can't find something and you reply (without thinking) "well...where is it?"

    My youngest son refers to my cautions about driving as "wet leaves" - for all the years I told him to watch out for --- you guessed it, wet leaves (among other things but it all got lumped into one phrase, wet leaves). Here in New England that is a real thing :). If you stop to suddenly on a patch of wet leaves you could slide. So my six foot, 25 year old just hugs me and says "I know mom, wet leaves". The British would call that cheeky.

    1. "Wet leaves." I love it. What a great code phrase from your family history. We have a few phrases like that in our family lexicon. Also, I am ALL for cheeky. ;) Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. Hey Sleuth Mom, what an awesome concept for a post. So true and so funny! I love that video by Tim Hawkins. I'm really enjoying going through his videos on youtube. Thanks for this mid-day pick me up! :o)

    1. Heehee, Tiffiney, you got it: Sleuth Mom at your service! Actually, just this morning, I found my daughter's purity ring AGAIN. I haven't told her yet, though...I think I'll make her sweat it out a little. Did she learn NOTHING last time? ;) Glad you're getting some Tim therapy in...we're huge fans around here. Laughter is good (mental) medicine! It's lovely to hear from you always encourage me. xoxo

  6. Elizabeth,
    I had to giggle because they are so true! Universal "Mom Speak". They should just issue some kind of mothering phrase dictionary to us all on the way out of the hospital. One of mine is "Did you MEAN to do that?" LOL

    1. Yay, Heather...I'm glad my list rang true with another mom! I totally agree with your idea about the mom phrase dictionary...what a great addition to a "new baby" care package! ;) And I love your add-on...I might have to employ that soon. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  7. First of all, the Anita Renfroe video has long been a favorite of mine!!

    I guess the first thing that comes to mind to add to this list would be, "Be kind to your sister." Wouldn't want to tally how many times I've said that....and we're still counting! There are other variations of that sentence that fall under the same general concept, depending on the current circumstances. :)

    And that laundry one? Just....yes!!!

    1. Woo hoo, Tracey...another thing we have in common! :) And yes, yes, yes, to your spot-on addition! How many times have I told my daughters, "You love each other! You do! Do it! LOVE each other!" Thanks so much for stopping by...and may all the laundry anyone needs in your house today be clean. ;)

  8. This post was difficult to read because I was nodding my head so much in agreement with every single one of these! In regards to finding lost things around the house, I refer to myself as Eagle Eye Shackelford. Ha!

    1. Oh, good. It's not just me. ;) I salute you, Eagle Eye Shackelford!!!:)

  9. I can remember saying many of these too. I still say #9, drives them all crazy. When women become moms I think these sayings come with the territory. As I was reading, I could think of 10 more things I say.

    1. Heehee, Michelle...good for you for keeping #9 in action. It's a mother's prerogative to drive her children crazy throughout their lives, right? ;) And please, please write your own list and put it up...I'd love to read it! :)

  10. ha ha, I think mine is be gentle, dont jump on your brother. Kids! Wish we could just use a recorder so we dont have to say it a million times.

    Have you linked up at #bloggerspotlight yet this week?

    1. Oh my word, YES...about that recorder! Like a mom CD...we just cue up, say, track #5: the "don't jump on your brother" track. I've had fun reading the comments from boy moms...the sentiment you added seems to make repeated appearances. ;) Thank you so much for stopping by and for the link to your party!

  11. Mine top one would have to be, "Why can't you just keep your hands to yourself?" I have some boys and some girls who wish they didn't feel the need to constantly push, grab, tackle, and throw things at them! I think you would be a great fit for my new group if you would like to check it out.

    1. Um, Crystal? Yes, please! Any Facebook group that is specifically NOT for amazing supermoms is my kind of tribe! I love the whole idea of it and have, in fact, been looking for this kind of group lately. Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention...I've just requested to join! As for "why can't you just keep your hands to yourself"? Wow, does that ring true from my days of parenting younger kids. Love it. I mean, I love your mention of it. I agree: I wasn't wild to have to say it every 2 seconds. Thanks so much for stopping by and, again, for the kind invitation. I'm so excited! :)

  12. So true! I've said many of these many times!

    Nicole | The Professional Mom Project

    1. Right, Nicole?! Probably more times than you'd like to have said them! I think this is one of the greatest common factors of motherhood! :) Thank you for taking time to read and to comment!

  13. THIS IS AWESOME! Especially I love you everywhere in between. Love, love, love that! I would say I also say "Do you have to go pee pee?" ALOT too! :-)

    1. Aw, thanks, sweet Christine! Maybe when we moms don't know what else to say, we just say, "I love you"? And yes, sister: I do remember the days when that question was always on my lips (sometimes through gritted teeth). Thanks for the flashback! ;)

  14. I'm pretty sure mine are: "Are you following directions?" "Are you asking?" "The label goes in the back" and "I love you." Not apologizing for saying that last one constantly, though. ;)

    1. Fabulous. I love the one about the label, especially. And the last one? Oh my yes, mama. xoxo

    2. Poor kid's gonna be 30 & still repeating "the label goes in the back" as she gets dressed! Btw, you're my feature this week for #FridayFrivolity. I couldn't help it. ;)

    3. Under no circumstances and in no universe would I call your girl "poor" with you as her mom. As for the, thank you so much! You are far too kind. But I am SO EXCITED! I love's such a fun, personal party. Okay, got to go working on my 5 After 5 post! :):):)

    4. Ahahaha I featured you too this week! Lots of love for this post bouncin' around. ;) #FridayFrivolity

    5. Aw, that is SO sweet of you, too, Sarah Eliza. Don't I just feel like the queen of the May? Or something like that...I think it's a literary reference. Anyway, my point is...THANK YOU SO MUCH! :)

  15. AH! I love this! It makes me want to start a list of those phrases I say over and over and over! Thanks so much for sharing at Waiting on...Wednesday! I hope you'll join us again tomorrow!

    Holly @ While I'm Waiting

    1. Heehee, Holly...right?! I'd love to read your list! :) Thanks so much for HOSTING Waiting on...Wednesday. I'll be there tomorrow, God-willing! xoxo

  16. What fun . . . that about covers it, Elizabeth. Unless you add, "What you just said/did was rude. Love is not rude. What can you say/do that would be kind instead?"

    1. Oooh, good addition, Abi! That's a real mom zinger. Brilliant. ;)

  17. My kids aren't teens yet and I'm still saying almost all of these already! The clothes get me every time. As soon as my girls are tall enough to reach the dryer (we have stacked laundry) I'm going to make laundry part of their chores. Just this morning my 8yo asked me if I could have these items washed and ready for dance class tonight. *sigh*

    1. Oh my word, Jessica: just this morning, MY 13-year-old texted me from school and asked if I could wash the items in her laundry basket for dance tomorrow night! ;) You are wise--and, clearly, a better mom than I am!--to already be planning to avoid this situation. Thanks so much for stopping by and for sharing this've made my day!

  18. "in a minute"
    "get off of that"
    "where are your pants"

    1. "In a minute"?! Um, YES (ad infinitum). ;) I have girls, so the other two are not part of my everyday phrase vocabulary...which is a good thing, because that frees me up to repeat, "No, I DO NOT know where any more black hair ties are!" a hundred times a week. Thanks so much for stopping by, Kristin!

  19. Ha! Love this. I too, say all of those things far too often.

    1. Aw, thanks, Barrie! Maybe we moms should just make a "universal mom sayings" CD and we can all loop it over and over and save our breath. ;) Thanks for popping over from #alittlebitofeverything!

  20. I just love your lists. :-) Seriously, you share the sweetest things that I think but could never put into words as well as you do!

    1. Thank you so much, sweet Christine! You are too of the many reasons I love you. xoxo

  21. I've said all of these too...more than once. :-)

    1. ...probably more than 10 times, in fact! ;) Thanks so much for stopping by to read my little ode to mom-isms!


I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to tell me what you really think. Years ago, I explained to my then-two-year-old that my appointment with a counselor was "sort of like going to a doctor who will help me be a better mommy." Without blinking, she replied, "You'd better go every day." All of which is just to say I've spent some time in the school of brutal honesty!