
April 16, 2016

5 Funny Movies I Need In My Life

One of the best things that happened during this past year--my first of full-on blogging--was meeting my friend Lisa, a.k.a., the Syncopated Mama. I love the way blogging gives me a chance to meet fellow bloggers whose posts make me say "me, too!" alot. Lisa is one of those writers. To say nothing of the fact that a blog called "Syncopated Mama," whose tag line is "Living a Life That's Just a Little Offbeat," holds enormous appeal for someone who's, er, syncopated herself (although no one in their right mind would call me only a little offbeat).

As it turns out, Lisa is the gracious hostess of a weekly link party called 5 After 5, which is based on one of my favorite things: lists. (I hear you, dear mama..."yes, we KNOW you love lists.") I learned a lesson with my 31 Things I Love (That You Might Love, Too) the end, I was sitting at my computer yelling, "I DON'T LOVE ANYTHING ANYMORE!" Which is why a nice manageable handful of things sounds like such a better idea.

I'm back on board with Lisa's list for this week: 5 Favorite Comedies. If you're a blogger, put together your own list and join the party. If you're not, hop over to Lisa's blog and add your round-up in the comments. Or add them here...I'd love to see what you've got.

1. The Money Pit. The first time I saw the house my husband thought we should buy and raise our family in, I drove past, looked at the place, scoffed derisively, and kept driving. It was a mess: junk all over the yard, peeling orange-red paint, and a huge, hideous flag pole right in the middle of the front yard. I dismissed it out of hand. A few weeks later, my husband and I had the following conversation:

Him: "We need to make a decision on that house." 
Me: "What house?"
Him: "The red farmhouse."
Me: "What decision?" 
Him: "Whether we should buy it or not."
Me: "Of course we're not buying it."

A few weeks later, my mom asked my father-in-law--a realtor who had the house listed--if he'd had any bites. We had the following conversation:
Him: "Oh, yes. A nice young couple is going to buy it." 
Me: "That's great! Who?" 
Him (looking at me incredulously): "You." 

At which point I summoned my husband for a conference and told him his dad was having a delusional moment and needed to be brought into the land of reality. The land where we were NOT buy that house. Fast-forward 16 years, and of course we're living in that house. The peeling pain and junk and flag pole are gone, but the plumbing is a mess, and the rooms we "did" when we first bought place now need to be "redone." Meanwhile, the rooms we left "undone" when we first moved in still need to be "done." ALL of which is just to say that once a year or so, my husband I watch The Money Pit to make ourselves feel better. Because at least our clawfoot tub hasn't crashed through the floor. (Note: if I publish this post and then our bathtub crashes through the floor, I am never blogging again.)

2. Sense & Sensibility. I know this might not be the first movie most people think of when they hear the word "comedy," but I think it's a well as being incredibly romantic. S&S is my favorite movie of any genre, and the first time I watched it with my daughter and she swooned over the ending the way I did the first time I saw it, I had one of the mom moments that make motherhood the best gig ever. Favorite line: the leading ladies are discussing the age of a potential male match and one daughter says he is "infirm." The mother replies that if he is infirm, she herself is "at death's door." To which the eldest daughter replies (deadpan, without missing a beat), "It is a miracle your life has extended this far." Love it. All of it.

3. Miss Congeniality. My sister saw this movie before I did and called to tell me about her favorite line...which immediately became mine. Beauty pageant host to contestant: "Describe your perfect date." Contestant: "I'd have to say April 25th. Because it's not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket."

4. Ruthless People. Bette Midler. Danny Devito. As funny as you'd think. Especially this classic line: "this could very well be the stupidest person on the face of the earth." And this one: "I've been kidnapped by Kmart!"

5. Overboard. "Everyone wants to be me!" "I think...I ate...a bug." "Twin! Oh twin!" "Oh, my hair!" And other memorable moments from this riches-to-rags classic.

Okay, mama, what movies can you count on when you need to laugh your way out of a funk? Put together your own 5 After 5 list, and share it in a comment here or as a link at Lisa's party. I'll be cuing up the DVD player, popping some popcorn, hunting down my stash of Crunch-a-Bunch, and waiting to see what you come up with.


  1. I actually squealed with delight when I booted up the ol' computer this morning and saw that you'd already linked up your post! I mean, I'd already been looking forward to it, but to get to read it right off the bat just made my day. And OF COURSE you listed both Overboard AND Money Pit, because those were ALMOST on my list, too! And I've seen Miss Congeniality and it wasn't really all that memorable for me, but after reading your favorite line (which I've totally snagged as my own, btw), I must go watch it again. All I can figure is that I half-viewed it while grading papers or something, because otherwise something that hilarious couldn't have possibly slipped by me... I'm pretty sure we've already discussed our shared love of S&S, and I agree. Love it. Love it all. So the only one I haven't seen is Ruthless People, which means, dear friend, that you have now given me something new to request from our library today! I'm so excited that you joined in today, and I'm going to hope that you do it again soon!!

    1. Thanks, my friend. I do think you'll love Ruthless People...let me know if you watch it! Will add your list to my to-watch file, too! Thanks for hosting. I hope to get back in regular rotation. :)

  2. I love Miss Congeniality! It's actually in another 5 after 5 post of mine :) And who can forget The Money Pit. I always die laughing when the clawfoot tub crashes through the floor. Tom Hanks' laugh is just hilarious! Hope to see you at the link-up again next week!

    1. Right, Heather Marie?! About Tom Hanks' laugh?! I'm laughing just thinking about it! That's one of those movies that helps my husband and me put our very own "money pit" into perspective! ;) Thanks for hosting 5 After 5! So glad to be back with you again!

  3. Overboard is my favorite out of your list! "KEEP YOUR MOUTH CLOSED" 😂 classic

    1. Hi,'s nice to meet a fellow Overboard fan! When I first watched that movie with my older cousin (she'd seen it before and thought I'd like it), she turned the thing off when the limo is driving away and "Pee Wee Herman" is yelling, "You said moms don't leave!" Like that was the end of the whole thing! Good thing she was just kidding. ;) Thanks for taking time to read my little list. Now I might just have to go watch Overboard right now. Except: to-do list. ;(

  4. Hi Elizabeth!

    I love your list! Sense and Sensibility is at the top of my list to watch ASAP (as I love period films). Overboard will be a close second. Thanks for the recommendations! I'm always on the hunt for something good to watch. :o)

    1. Aw, Tiffiney, I hope you get to watch S&S soon (I mean, as soon as any busy mom can find time to watch a movie!). And I hope you love it. Oh, the ending. Swoon! :) Thank you for stopping by...I'm looking forward to spending some time at your blog house later tonight when I get my family off to bed!

  5. LOL! I love these--although, can you believe I've never seen "Ruthless People"? I'll have to check that one out. But I could watch the rest of them over and over and over--especially "Overboard". Love that one. It's funny and has heart. Just like you sweet Elizabeth. :-)

    1. Aw, thanks, sweet Christine! I am not at all surprised that we share these movie favorites. Wish we could have a marathon and watch them all together. "Ruthless" is an oldie (relatively), but I think you would DIE laughing from it. Oh my goodness. If you ever get a chance to watch it (with a warm pan of brownies to keep you company, of course), let me know what you think! :)

  6. The only one of these I've ever seen is Miss Congeniality. I know, I know. Sense and Sensibility is one of those must watches that must go on my soon to view list!

    1. It's okay, are one busy mama! This is not a moral-judgement list. ;) But I do think S&S would bring joy and delight and refreshment to your life. Which you deserve. It's SO fabulous. (Insert swoon.) Let me know if you get to it so I can be happy for you! :)

  7. Hey Elizabeth!

    Happy Friday to you! I did get to watch Sense and Sensibility and it is my new favorite movie. I think it's way better than Pride and Prejudice (did I just say that out loud?). Thanks for the recommendations.

    Just so you know, I featured your "Five Funny Movies" on my blog this week, so get ready for some company. You can find it here:

    1. Yay!!!! I'm SO glad you got to watch S&S...and I 100% agree about it compared with P&P. Thank you so much for the honor of being part of your weekend guide! I am so excited! Already shared it everywhere, and I can't wait to check out all your recommendations and links! Bless you, funny and sweet mama!

  8. I love that you have Jane Austen on here! I found Pride and Prejudice quite amusing. And I just saw Overboard recently as I was flipping channels and had to stop, so many great lines in there. Thanks for sharing on #FridayFrivolity.

    1. Oh my, yes: dear Jane HAD to be on the list. S&S would be on any favorite movie list of mine, one way or the other. I love that my girls now love it with me! ;) And speaking of things I love, there is #FridayFrivolity. :)


I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to tell me what you really think. Years ago, I explained to my then-two-year-old that my appointment with a counselor was "sort of like going to a doctor who will help me be a better mommy." Without blinking, she replied, "You'd better go every day." All of which is just to say I've spent some time in the school of brutal honesty!