
February 10, 2016

Chocolate Cream Pie: A Love Story

I knew my husband was the one for me when he chose chocolate.

We met at church one summer Sunday a bunch of years ago, and after our first brief conversation, he wandered out to the foyer. A church lady offered him a leftover doughnut, and he picked one with chocolate frosting. At which point I thought, "Yeah, I could spend the rest of my life with that guy."

We got engaged a few months later, and I've spent our marriage bringing him fully into the land of chocolate, where I live. 

One of the chocolate desserts he loves best is chocolate cream pie. And I love my husband, so sometimes I make him chocolate cream pie.

My daughter Anna also loves chocolate cream pie. And I love my daughter Anna. So sometimes I make her chocolate cream pie, too.

Anna, in particular, is a chocolate-cream pie (CCP) fiend. When I ask what she wants for dessert, she'll answer "chocolate cream pie"--nonchalantly, as if I can just whip one up on the spur of the moment.

The thing is that my full-on CCP requires a significant commitment of time and the securing of certain special ingredients. But out of love for Anna and for my husband (and, admittedly, out of my own CCP addiction), I occasionally make the effort.

The Over-Achiever incarnation of CCP features the world's best pie crust (my mom' good it could make a grown man weep) and homemade chocolate pudding based on a gorgeous Dutch process cocoa worth the mail-order price tag. I top it off with whipped cream or whipped topping (more on that later) and a liberal shower of real chocolate sprinkles. 

By "real," I mean that they are made of actual chocolate that melts in your mouth as opposed to the usual type of hydrogenated-oil sprinkles that, as far as I know, don't melt anywhere.

I think this pie is worth the investment of time and money. But I know life sometimes calls for a CCP infusion when both time and money are short. So, I'm also offering a Cheater CCP: bake off a packaged pie crust, fill it with instant or cook 'n' serve chocolate pudding, slather it with whipped topping or whipped cream, and shower it with mini chocolate-chips--which while not "sprinkly" are, in fact, actual chocolate. 

(There are some compromises we cannot make in chocoholic land, and fake chocolate is one of them.)

OR: cobble together a Cheater Over-Achiever CCP using components of both recipes. In the interest of full disclosure, this is what I do, because I do not keep whipping cream in the house, but I do maintain a steady supply of "spray" whipped cream (actual cream in a handy if environmentally evil aerosol format) as well as totally-without-redemptive-qualities reduced-fat non-dairy whipped topping. 

Whichever road you take to get there, if your journey leads you to Chocolate Cream Pie, I think it was worth the trip.

Speaking of which, if you want the recipe for either Over-Achiever or Cheater Chocolate Cream Pie (or just the recipe for my mom's pie crust), I'll have to ask you to take a little trip over to the lovely Her View From Home. They let me ramble on every second Wednesday of the month, and this is what I'm rambling on about in February. While you do that (thank you, by the way), I'm taking a trip to the kitchen. Because now that I'm done blogging about this pie, my husband and younger daughter would like me to actually make them one.


  1. I have been craving chocolate pie since you mentioned it a few weeks ago. I'm going to have to put this on the menu soon.

    1. Heehee...thank you, Jamie! I know it can be a bit of a project, but my daughter would say it's worth it! ;) Thank you as always for your sweet and faithful support and encouragement!

  2. This is my husband's favorite dessert too. I had to make it every chance I got in the early years of our marriage. Lately, it is saved for special occasions since it requires me to restrain from eating it all week. Cute story!

    1. Well, if my daughter, in particular, had her way, I would make this every day. But life is hard, so she has to wait until I have time to make it. HA! Thank you for visiting're the best! :)

  3. My husband's grandmother is known for her chocolate pies and they are very good. I have no idea how she makes them....But I think I would like to try your recipe. (Chocolate is one of the food groups....right?) :)

    1. Well, Renee, I surely cannot promise my pie will live up to Grandma's...but I do think it's quite delightful! ;) And, yes, honey: chocolate is most definitely one of the food groups! I'm so glad you stopped by...I'm exploring your lovely blog right now!

  4. haha real chocolate - so agreed! I'm headed for the best pie crust recipe. One day I will perfect my pie crust, until then I will take tips from everyone!

    1. Woo hoo, lovely to meet a fellow real-chocolate devotee! :) I hope you're able to give my mom's pie crust recipe a try. It has a couple unusual ingredients (unusual for a pie crust, but not bean puree here or anything) that actually make it very user-friendly. It might just change your life. ;) Thank you for stopping by!

  5. My husband Loves chocolate cream pie and I have yet to make him one! (We've only been married 15 years now...). I just might have to try this recipe. It looks yummy!

    1. Heehee...well, better late-ish than never, Mother of 3? I do believe your husband would love you even more than he undoubtedly already does if you tried out this pie on him. Keep me posted, will you? ;)

  6. Love the story! Love the recipe! Love your blog! Thanks for linking through Party at my Place. I was so glad to see you. I stumbled and pinned this for later.

    1. Aw, thank you, Jennifer! You are so kind! What a sweet soiree Party at my Place was! I've been working on my guest post for Makeover Monday in a few weeks. ;)In the meantime, may the Chocolate Cream Pie be with you soon!

  7. Oh my! I love Chocolate Cream Pie. I haven't made one in years, I think I'm going to have to do something about that. I have never heard of adding apple cider vinegar to pie crust, I'm going to have to research that. Thank you for linking with Thankful Thursdays.

    1. Oh my, yes, Lori, I absolutely think you should do something about that! ;) As for the vinegar (you can use white, too), I know it sounds weird, but you don't taste it. The vinegar just helps keep the crust tender by inhibiting the formation of gluten when you work the dough. Keep me posted if you try it...I'd love to know what you think! And thank you as always for so graciously hosting Thankful Thursdays! :)

  8. Hi Elizabeth,
    Your Chocolate Cream Pie looks amazing! Hope you have a very special Valentine Day and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

    1. Aw, thank you, Miz Helen! I'm so glad to be back at Full Plate Thursday. It's been too long since I had an actual recipe up on my little slice of the blogsphere pie! ;) Happy Valentine's to you, too!

  9. 1. I don't think I'm in the minority when I say that the crust is not the best part of any pie. But THAT crust looks AMAZING.

    2. I totally drooled a little on my keyboard just looking at the pictures of this pie.

    3. Until I went and read the recipe, and then I kind of wanted to weep onto the keyboard, because I think you know now how much I really really dislike cooking. So then I just scrolled back to the picture and drooled some more. The cheater version is definitely more my speed, so I'll just call it Cheater Pie from now on.

    4. Will you come visit me and bring the REAL version?! <3

    1. 1. I concede your point. I don't share your feelings because I am a pie crust FREAK, but we have room here at GCM for a wide range of viewpoints on pie crust and other important life issues. 2. I'm sorry...I hope your keyboard doesn't malfunction due to moisture buildup. 3. Yes, yes, whatever works for you. I just left another semi-cheater, fast-track-to-chocolate-happiness suggestion for you on FB. 4. Yes, absolutely. Next time I come to VA to visit my sister. How far are you from Richmond? ;) I. Mean. It. But don't worry...I will call ahead.

  10. Squeee! I'm so excited you made it to the party this week! #FridayFrivolity

    1. I know, right, Lisa?! Can you believe I finally got my act together? I still don't understand Twitter, but it got me in to #FridayFrivolity, so woo hoo! And thanks again so much for sharing my little ode to CCP! You = wonderful. <3

  11. High quality chocolate makes all the difference! I am eager to head over to your recipe link! My grandmother adored chocolate cream pie.... with meringue, of course. I've attempted this feat once, but my Farmer would be mighty pleased if I perfected the art!

    1. Oh yes, meringue, Bethany!!! That is actually my preference, but I thought it might be a little much for this already-involved recipe. My favorite is a marshmallow meringue that I caramelize with my favorite kitchen toy: my blow torch! :) Keep me posted if you make this pie...and if you do, I hope your Farmer loves it! <3 Thank you for stopping by!

  12. Yum! I've given up almost all sugar . . . but chocolate, not chocolate. My grandmother taught me to love a hot fudge sundae as a little girl. Still love them yet today. In fact, you've got my mouth watering here. :-) Blessings!

    1. Oh, Deb, yes...never give up on chocolate. Should I be glad or apologetic that I've got your mouth watering? ;) Thank you for hosting Faith 'n' Friends!

  13. It's funny that you mention bringing your hubby into the land of chocolate... one of the things I love most about my hubby is his great dislike for it! You see this way I get all the chocolate to myself! This chocolate cream pie looks delicious! Thanks for linking up with us at Welcome Home Wednesdays last week... we can't wait to see what you link up with us tomorrow!

    1. Well, now, Betsy, that is a very clever perspective on a non chocolate-loving spouse!;) Love it! Thanks so much for hosting Welcome Home Wednesdays! I'm headed there this minute!

  14. My husband would love for me to make either one of these. Thanks for sharing on the Friday Frivolity Linky Party. I am choosing this as my feature for the week.

    1. Aw, thank you so much, Audrey! That is so sweet of you! I'm thrilled I can be part of Friday Frivolity! Among other things, I'm a sucker for alliterative names. Plus, all you hostesses really are the mostesses! ;)

  15. Oh man I am DROOLING! ;P This looks amazing, and I love your sense of humor!! Pinning and tweeting....


    1. O happy day...I've accomplished the drool factor! :) Thank you so much...I'm off to stalk you now! ;)

  16. We are all chocolate cream pie eaters in this home! Thank you for sharing your love story on the Art of Home-Making Mondays :)

    1. Well, then, I would have to say yours is a happy home. :) Thank you for hosting the Art of Home Making Mondays!

  17. This looks amazing! I might have to try this! Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with The Alder Collective! Hope to see you again this week!

    1. Thank you so much...3/4 of my family thinks so, too! (My teen, for reasons that elude logic, is not a fan of this pie. But as she is otherwise of sound mind, we allow this one abnormality.) Thank you for hosting The Alder Collective! I look forward to it every week!

  18. This looks so good! Pinning it for later!!

    1. Awesome...thank you! I have to say, we are quite enamored with this around our house! ;) Thanks for stopping by!


I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to tell me what you really think. Years ago, I explained to my then-two-year-old that my appointment with a counselor was "sort of like going to a doctor who will help me be a better mommy." Without blinking, she replied, "You'd better go every day." All of which is just to say I've spent some time in the school of brutal honesty!