
December 28, 2015

My Top 5 Mom Lessons (So Far)

I approached first-time motherhood pretty much the same way I did getting my bachelor's degree: like a crazed maniac. I was going for a 4.0 in pre-motherhood studies, baby. I read everything I could get my hands on about how to wash tiny onesies, how to swaddle a baby, how to breastfeed, how to give my baby a bath, how to get my newborn to sleep through the night, how to provide adequate tummy time for my infant, how to ensure proper sensory stimulation for my baby, and, just for good measure, how to discipline a toddler and raise a respectful teenager.
Then I had the baby. And pretty much gave up on everything but that sleep deal.
Over the course of the 17 years since the birth of my eldest (who is, as it turns out, a pretty respectful teenager, thanks for asking), I kept up my on-the-job training in the school of motherhood. I learned how to get permanent marker off the walls, how to hem a dance costume at the eleventh hour, and what in the world “box multiplication” is. But while I was figuring out how to be a mom (a learning curve that still hasn't straightened out for me), I also gleaned a few lessons that spill over into the rest of my life. And honestly, I'm not sure I could have learned these any other way.
A baker's dozen (at least) of triple-chocolate caramel cookies goes to Power of Moms for letting me ramble on about these lessons. They put this up awhile ago, but the start of a new year seemed like a good time to throw it on here. I know it's a pain to be redirected, but I'd be eternally grateful if you'd head on over and peruse my top 5. And as long as I'm being demanding, I'd also love it if you came back and added your own hard-won maternal wisdom to the list. Thanks, mama. You deserve an A+.


  1. Elizabeth, you crack me up! You BET I'm heading over there...and we're featuring you yet again in tomorrow's Coffee and Conversation!
    Happy New Year, funny lady <3#

    1. Pat! Bless your sweet heart! Aren't you and Candy just the gifts that keep on giving to me? Thank you so much! Can't wait for Coffee & Conversation! :)

  2. Finally had a chance to read this post (since the Christmas crazies have finally left my house). Hurrah for #1 - I think I might have figured this one out a little sooner than most moms due to my, ahem, advanced age, but I can remember having discussions with my fellow teachers (who were moms) about being a working mom vs a SAHM and stating that if you care about your kid, they're really going to be fine and flourish, so you just have to do what's best for YOU and your family. (Just like my opinion of decorating styles. :) ) I've never heard of the book you mentioned in #2, but I love the concept you shared, as well as how you use it as a form of family shorthand when you communicate! I can't stop laughing about #3's Psycho comparison! And I want to hear all about that trip, someday! I hope your neighbors smile every time they hear you yell "I love you" out the door to the girls as they head to the bus stop. I sure would. Loved this post, and am just amazed at how you can take all these things that are thoughts in MY head, too, and put them down on "screen" (since it's not paper, you see) in such an eloquent way. I, on the other hand, bounce around and ramble on and who knows if anything makes sense to anybody, but well, that's me. At least I can be content to read your stuff and shout, "Yes! She is SO right" on a fairly regular basis. :)

    1. Well, bless my soul, if you just aren't better for me than Xanax. (I mean, I assume. Never tried it. Not opposed to trying it if it came to that, but it hasn't come to that so far. Anyway.) Thank you, dear Lisa, for encouraging me so deeply with your kind and generous words! And you must know that you do not merely ramble on but rather share in your delightfully syncopated fashion and that when I read YOUR stuff, I'm constantly shouting (at the computer screen) YES! THAT'S SO RIGHT! Which is why I shall forever be your devoted fan and admirer. :)

  3. Just got done reading your list, love it! I'm due in two weeks with my first child so I'll definitely keep all of this in mind! Motherhood is a blessing and an adventure :)

    1. Aw, congratulations, Bree! How exciting for you! Motherhood has many lessons to teach I'm not sure we can learn so well any other way, but more than anything else, it teaches about love. Blessings to you, mama-to-be!

  4. Love your humorous take on motherhood! Preparations can only take you so far, it's when the rubber meets the road.
    I have the knowledge (still single) and I'm hoping that it will stick, but...maybe not! Haha!

    1. Thank you so much, Haley! I have no doubt whatsoever that if and when you someday enter the wild and wonderful world of motherhood, you will KILL it, girl! ;) Thanks for stopping by and leaving your kind words!

  5. You have done it again, daughter. A post to inspire, make me cry, make me laugh, make me smile, and make me thank God for the gift He gave you. So blessed that you are using this gift to the benefit of many. Love, Mama

    1. Aw, thank you, mama! Your constant, unfailing love and support are precious gifts to me! I promise to try to honor those gifts by passing them along to your granddaughters! I love you!


I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to tell me what you really think. Years ago, I explained to my then-two-year-old that my appointment with a counselor was "sort of like going to a doctor who will help me be a better mommy." Without blinking, she replied, "You'd better go every day." All of which is just to say I've spent some time in the school of brutal honesty!