
June 3, 2015

What I'm Hoping to Do This Summer (A Post in Progress)

(Summer 2017 update: if you've been around Guilty Chocoholic Mama for the last couple years or so: 1)thank you; 2)THANK YOU! 3)this list might look familiar. Because this is a post from a couple summer ago, just with a few updates. What I hoped to do last summer and the summer before that is still pretty much what I hope to do during this one, so I figured, why reinvent the wheel? Okay? Good. Also, thank you.)

I am not a summer person. 

There. I said it. 

Yes, I hear that "whaaaat?!"

I love winter. There. I said that, too. 

The reason I love winter is a subject for another post. (Working title: "Why I Love Winter.")

But oh, summer, you give me hope that I might...

1. Sleep. Also, sleep in.

2. Not pack school lunches.

3. Not administer after-school therapy to my daughters.

4. Not sympathize with my eighth-grader about the frustrations of life as a middle-schooler and why in the world people cannot, for the love of basic human decency, walk on the correct side of the hallway.

5. Eat ice cream. Repeat.

6. See Michigan's Mackinac "Mighty Mac" Bridge. Possibly while eating ice cream.

7. Eat s'mores by the campfire. And remember: if you only have one, it's not a s'more. It's only a some. Don't settle for some.
 wink emoticon
8. Pick Michigan blueberries. Eat them straight up by the pound, then turn a bunch more into Blueberry Thing.

9. Try that "family dinner" thing I've heard so much about. I understand it involves all the people in a family sitting at the same table at the same time eating the same thing.

10. Listen to "Do It Again" and pretty much everything else by Elevation Worship.

11. Read. Possibly a novel. At least a magazine.

12. Go the lake. Stop for ice cream on the way. (Recurring theme alert.)

13. Feel sorry for my poor husband when he still has to leap out of bed at 5:30. Do not, however, feel sorry enough to leap out with him.

14. Get ready for a new season of women's Bible study. (Looking for a little guidance on how to start a group yourself? Check out this post.)

15. Hang sheets on the clothesline and inhale the clean-air scent when I slide into a freshly-made bed that night. Joy upon joy.

16. On one of the season's hottest days, slurp Peppermint Patty Frozen Hot Chocolate while watching Frozen with my daughters. (Just throw about a cup of crushed ice, 1/2 cup very cold or partially frozen milk or--even better--evaporated milk, a couple tablespoons chocolate syrup, one or two chopped peppermint patties, and a couple drops peppermint extract into the blender. Whir up and add more ice or milk as needed to make it slushy. Pulse in a little or a lot of frozen non-dairy whipped topping if you're not opposed to that sort of thing. Pour into a glass, top with whipped cream from an aerosol can if you're not opposed to that sort of thing, and drizzle on some chocolate syrup.) No central air? No problem! 

17. Tie-in to #16: listen to The Piano Guys 100% fabulous version of "Let It Go."

18. Not have to worry about what kind of day my daughters are having when they're away from me at school.

19. Make absolutely to-die-for-even-though-it's-not-chocolate lemon frozen yogurt.

20. Sit on the porch swing during a rainstorm and listen to the rain on the roof. 

What's on your summer hope-to-do list? 
Add it in a comment or over on Facebook

**This post may have been shared at some of these blog bashes.**


  1. Ooh. Great summer list. And you've got me nodding my head too. Yes to all the things! Hooray for no alarm clocks, naptime every day, being able to eat peanut butter sandwiches without worrying a classmate will die from an allergic reaction, pjs all day, ice cream for lunch, and not having to take the baby car seat in and out of the car a million times a day! ;)

    1. Love your additions, Janice! I hadn't even thought about the freedom of eating peanut butter without fear! :) Thanks for chiming in, and here's to a summer that hits all the points on both our lists!

  2. Have to agree with you~I am NOT a summer lover! I feel such immense pressure in the summer to make the break from school amazing for my daughters...I much prefer late Autumn. So glad I'm not alone~but alas, summer is here and this is a great post to remind me to enjoy it too. : )

    1. A kindred spirit, hollisterlyn! What a lovely gift for my morning. :) Yes, yes, yes: give me late autumn, too. And I so join you in feeling that "amazing summer" pressure. I don't know how old your girls are, but I can only say that as mine have gotten older (11 and 16 now), I've actually enjoyed summer with them much more. I so so cherish "down" time with them (rare during the school year) that I am grateful to this season for a few such moments. Blessings to you on your summer!

  3. I'm hoping to do some backyard camping this uear. I love your list, especially tjeveating ice cream part.

    1. Hi, Rose...I'm so sorry I'm just now seeing your comment. Not sure what happened there! Anyway, I LOVE the idea of backyard camping. All of camping's best features, but with available indoor plumbing. :) I'm a bit of a freak about these, but if you're not already in love with Jet Puffed's special s'more-sized marshmallows (I've got a link on the "This Could Change Your Life" page on my blog), I suggest getting a bag soon. More interior area = more marshmallowy goodness. Happy Camping! :)

  4. We get to so spend 4 days on the beach. Looking forward to that!

    1. That should say "GO" instead of so. :-P

    2. Sounds lovely, Cynthia! Here's to four days of sandy memory-making! :)

  5. We might just be soul sisters! I am a winter girl too, but I love everything about this list. I hope that you get to do all of these things!

    1. Awww, thanks, Natalie! Let me get this straight: we are both messy MOMs (am I remembering that right?) who love winter but appreciate the gifts of summer?! Love it! :) Blessings to you in your summer of "great expectation"!

  6. Now that summer's at least halfway done, I'm curious - have you done most (or all!) of these things? They all sound spectacular and I know we have definitely accomplished some of these! I stopped by to read about your clotheline love as well! Enjoy the rest of the season and know that Fall is just around the corner!
    ~Modern Mom

    1. Jessica, I think I tried to reply to you when you posted this lovely comment, but I was away from home, so it looks like it got lost in translation. I'm thankful to say we did most of these to-do's! :) I pray your summer was wonderful and that your fall is even better! :)

  7. Sounds as if you might really enjoy summer after all!

    1. I know, right, Michele?! It might just happen! ;) Thanks so much for stopping by!

  8. Hey Elizabeth! So happy to see you over at Sitting Among Friends. I love this list! I can't believe that frozen drink has no ice cream in it. I shall have to try that sometime soon and save myself some calories. (My spreading waist line thanks you!) I don't have any plans in particular, but I should adopt some. Oh, wait - maybe read a book, as well? Or write/blog more since I will have "free time" from not homeschooling? Have a blessed week, my friend!

    1. Well, hello, you! :) I'm so glad I found you at Sitting Among Friends...I LOVED the post you shared there! As for summer, I so hope you get to try that frozen hot chocolate...and read...and do whatever else makes your heart happy. Thanks so much for taking time to stop by!

  9. Hanging out other than the van - too funny! Ice cream, I eat more in summer too. Great things to look forward to this summer Elizabeth. My plans are coming out tomorrow (teaser) on my Thankful Friday post. Appreciate you visiting me today at Party at My Place. Enjoy your day.

    1. Well, hello?! What a teaser that IS! Can't wait to read your summer plans. Hurry up, Friday! :)

    2. I just did #20 last night. I wish it was a longer rainstorm, but it was relaxing all the same. Sharing this today from Party at My Place. Happy Summer!

    3. Oh, I'm so glad, Michelle! We got some rain that we wish had lasted longer, too...but we're grateful for it, too! Thank you so much for truly are a hostesses with the mostess! ;)

  10. LOVE your list! There is a little ice cream place up the road from us that we love and they have a few animal to feed and pet so 2 thumbs up from my 3 yr old! I will read more than a magazine ;) probably several books!

    1. Oh my word, YES, Samantha. One of our favorite i/c places (the one on the way to the lake) is not only run by a dairy family whose farm is next door and whose milk makes the ice cream, it has a huge, fabulous free petting zoo right outside. Your spot sounds perfect, too. And along with the ice cream, I hope you get to those books! Thanks so much for stopping by.

  11. This is such a fun list! It reminds me, I need to get to making my own list. I know water, play, adventures, more water, and some travel would all be nice! Also, I would like to hang out clothes out to dry again!

    1. Thank you so much, Kendall! Yes, you should make your list! :) I like putting some things on mine that are fairly easy to do (like that laundry) so I don't run the danger of not doing anything on the list by September. Low expectations: that's the secret to my success. ;) Thank you so much for visiting...happy summer!

  12. No central air is the EXACT reason I justify my abnormally high ice-cream consumption.

    Of course, that excuse doesn't seem as logical in January.

    Love this post, Elizabeth!

    1. Hey! Welcome to the no a/c club! How exciting to meet a fellow member! :) And ice cream is always a good idea, in any season. Thanks for taking time to read my little list, Nicole...stay cool! ;)

  13. The Piano Guys "Let is Go" is awesome...but as you know and probably why you like it - a bit chilly! :) I love the s'mores joke! I will have to find a way to use that this summer.
    Have an enjoyable one!

    1. are so right about that "chilly" song! ;) As for the s'mores perspective, well, I'm glad I could help!:) Here's to a wonderful summer--and s'more--to you, too!

  14. This is such a good list! I love it. I am surprised to hear someone say they don't love summer -- not sure I have heard that one before :)

    1. Aw, thank you, Samara! That's so sweet of you! As for my lack of enthusiasm for summer, well, I know: I'm an original. ;) (Which it not always a particularly good thing, but there it is.)Thanks so much for stopping by...and may all the joys of summer be yours!

  15. #5! Oh, #5! Last summer, we stopped overnight at the house of some friends on our way up to our big camp-out and they were aghast to hear that we were were planning only one ice cream treat for our month-long stay. The next morning, after we'd left their house, we discovered an envelope with some cash tucked into a corner of our car with a note stating that "this is little fund is to be used ONLY on ice cream treats this summer." These dear friends knew that our budget allowed for only one treat, and they wanted us to really enjoy ourselves. Well, we followed their directions, and it was just the yummiest mountain trip yet! We also realized how crucial it is to set aside money for more than just one measly ice cream outing...

    1. Lisa! That is just the absolute sweetest story! Those are some kind of friends. I love them for you! And I'm SO proud of you for obeying their wishes and using that lovely gift as they instructed. Now: how's the ice cream budget for this year's trip? ;)

    2. You know me - I see a post of yours on a link-up and I have to come back for another excuse to say hi! This year's ice cream budget? Not sure yet, but there will definitely be one!

    3. What would I do without you? What DID I do without you? Oh, I know: slogged along, just getting by. I mean it: you are a gift. In return, shall I cash in my change jar and make a donation to the Healy Ice Cream Fund? I will say that I'm happy to hear there IS a budget for ice cream. Can't wait to hear about the rest of the trip! :) xoxo

  16. Yo, girl - I just LOVE your list - even if it IS "recycled" (and anyway, that's supposed to be good for the environment, right?!)
    Anyway, so happy you shared this at Coffee and Conversation last week - we're featuring it tomorrow...WHERE you will see MY (ok, maybe my daughter's...but she's mine, too!) summer bucket list, as well!!
    Oh, wish you could come visit me - with the girls, of course - we could lounge in the pool eating ice cream the whole time!!!

    1. Aw, thanks so much, Pat! Hearing from you always just MAKES my day. Would love to do a visit/pool/ice cream...but in the absence of that, I'll look forward to reading your/your daughter's list tomorrow at Coffee & Conversation! Thank you, my friend! xoxo

  17. I love your list! Dry my laundry out on the line is definitely on my list too - one of the things I hate most about the wet and cold weather is constantly having laundry about the place.

    Thanks so much for sharing at #FridayFrivolity! :)

    1. Thank you, Jessica! Isn't it amazing how much line-dried laundry makes the rest of life seem better? ;) My clothesline broke the other day (when it was fully loaded with sheets I'd brought out of winter storage), and I almost went into mourning. Mr. Fix-It (my dad) is coming tomorrow to, well, fix it. Thanks for always rocking #FridayFrivolity! :)

  18. That peppermint patty drink sounds divine! Pinned.

    1. Aw, thank you so much for the kind words and the pin! And that drink IS pretty much a/c in a glass. May your summer be filled with wonderfulness, Mother of 3!

  19. Great summer list, I hope you can complete it all!

    Thanks for linking up with Welcome Home Wednesdays! Live every Wednesday at 7AM EST.

    liz @ j for joiner

    1. Heehee...I hope I can tick off all these, too, Liz Jo! At least the ice cream entries seem a pretty sure thing. ;) Thank you so much for hosting Welcome Home Wednesday...already looking forward to next week's party!

  20. Any summer full of ice cream is bound to be a good one! I love that little S'more quote. Enjoy your time with your girls!

    1. You know it, oh Queen! (About the ice cream.) And yes, it's true: I take my s'mores very seriously. ;) Here's to a wonderful summer for you and yours, too!

  21. What a great list! Eat ice cream is my favorite. My birthday is during the summer and we always get an ice cream cake. Mmmm! I hope you hit all on your to-do summer list and have a blast. Thanks for sharing on Mommy Monday.

    1. Aw, thank you so much! I am SO excited to have found Mommy Monday today...what a fun party. This post has some mileage on it, but as soon as I saw your prompt, I thought it might be a good fit. Can't wait for next week. :) Thank you so much for hosting...and may your birthday ice cream cake be big and bountiful!


I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to tell me what you really think. Years ago, I explained to my then-two-year-old that my appointment with a counselor was "sort of like going to a doctor who will help me be a better mommy." Without blinking, she replied, "You'd better go every day." All of which is just to say I've spent some time in the school of brutal honesty!